About Us

CO2-AFP ENGINEERING S.L. was born from the symbiosis between the multidisciplinary research carried out by a group of researchers from the University of Castilla-La Mancha specialists in CDU strategies and the transfer of knowledge to society by the company Alcoholes de Tomelloso S.A. (ALTOSA).

From the publication of a theoretical scientific work in 2016 by two of the promoters (C. Alonso-Moreno, S. García Yuste. Science of the Total Environment 568. 2016. 319-326), a successful path of public-private collaboration began in 2018 for the development of the so-called "CO2-AFP Strategy", the first worldwide strategy to capture CO2 from alcoholic fermentation for the production of one of the most demanded products of the chemical industry, biogenic sodium carbonate.

This strategy offers the possibility of converting the fermentation companies into producers of sodium carbonate with levels of purity and with a minimum environmental impact that differentiate it from its competitors at a global level. The impacts derived from the creation of this new industry, through the use of a waste product such as CO2 in terms of employment, added value and environment, place this business idea among the most attractive in the current socioeconomic context.

The attractiveness of our activity lies, on the one hand, in the total novelty of the technique presented, with fully patented technology, and completely aligned with the internationally committed objectives in the fight against Climate Change insofar as it implies the conversion of the companies in terms of environmental impact.

Why Choose Us

benefit 1

Implement negative emissions technology in your company

benefit 2

Reduce your Carbon Footprint and differenciate your activity to achieve competitive advantage

benefit 3

Transform your traditional linear model into a Circular Economy model

benefit 4

Generate new activity in the production of very high purity biogenic sodium carbonate

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